MicroSoil® Life Enriching Agriculture Products


MicroSoil® is a Life Enriching Agriculture Product

Our 100% natural MicroSoil® products, designed in accord with irrefutable physics principles, helps create a perfectly balanced soil environment for all local soil biota, help build organic matter in the soils, with the ultimate objective resulting in dynamic soil systems which elevate the quality and quantity any/all and crops and plants on the planet.


Welcome To the World of MicroSoil®


This website, purposely, was constructed primarily for familiarizing our customers, distributors and any interested party, with our products, concepts, technologies, protocols and our capabilities. Worldwide, farmers and growers are clamoring for credible knowledge and proven products, in order to begin growing natural/sustainable crops for their customers. Herein, you will find such information.

Since 1996 Biomassters Global, Inc. has manufactured and distributed worldwide proven natural/sustainable MicroSoil® Life Enriching Agriculture Products that help increase crop production, enhance NutrientRich™ food and commercial crops, reduce harsh synthetic chemical fertilizers, while increasing the farmer and grower’s profits.

Virtually all (97%) of the agriculture pictures in this website are pictures of crops that were “Grown with MicroSoil®” over the past (20) twenty years.

World News

Some of these articles are older but very important reading
GMO Ground Zero: Hawaii’s Victory Over Monsanto and Friends Wake Up World.com, February 17, 2015

We’re Killing Our Food Supply and Technology Can’t Save Us
Big Ag Can’t Feed 10 Billion and Magical Technologies Won’t Appear
Market Watch.com, February 6, 2015

Fields of Gold: GMO-Free Crops Prove Lucrative for Farmers
Non-Biotech Corn, Soybeans Fetch a Premium as Processors Respond to Rising Demand
The Wall Street Journal.com, February 2, 2015

Organic Consumers Association
GMO Science Takes a Blow as Studies Are Retracted 
March 11, 2014 | Source: Mercola.com | by Dr. Mercola

A MUST READ: Shock Findings in New GMO Study: Rats Fed Lifetime of GM Corn Grow Horrifying Tumors, 70% of Females Die Early
NATURAL NEWS – September 19, 2012

Eating genetically modified corn (GM corn) and consuming trace levels of Monsanto’s Roundup chemical fertilizer caused rats to develop horrifying tumors, widespread organ damage, and premature death. That’s the conclusion of a shocking new study that looked at the long-term effects of consuming Monsanto’s genetically modified corn.

Neil Young Rocks Out Against Monsanto with Willie Nelson’s Sons
Mashable.com – May 27, 2015
Rock legend Neil Young continues his anti-GMO campaign against agriculture behemoth Monsanto and coffee giant Starbucks in the song and video for “A Rock Star Bucks a Coffee Shop.” For years, the 69-year-old songwriter has shown his support to farmers and disgust for genetically modified organisms as the co-founder of benefit concert Farmer Aid. Neil Young’s latest studio album, The Monsanto Years was released June 29, 2015.

Midwest Agriculture Faces Tough Choices

Prairie Farmer: Inside Illinois Ag – May 2015

The EPA’s Chesapeake Bay Model, if imposed on the Mississippi River Basin, might mandate that all 13 states in the basin develop watershed implementation plans covering croplands, not just CAFOs. Both state’s programs are mandatory for all farms exceeding 10 acres and applying


Why MicroSoil®
Frequently Asked Questions about the use of MicroSoil®

Why are crop yields higher? Why is nutrient content higher? Why is BRIX higher? Why do you get more flowering? Why are hot peppers hotter? Why is oil content higher? Why is sugar content higher? Why do tomatoes taste better? Why do the crops grow faster? Why is size of the produce larger? Why are crops more uniform in size? Why are there more bees?


Our Grown with MicroSoil® & Above and Beyond Organics™ Concept
Our natural occurring ingredients work synergistically with Nature’s processes and rhythms by “Putting Life Back into the Soils”, balancing the nutrient needs of both plants and soil biota to help soils come alive in order to become healthier and function as nature originally intended.