MicroSoil® is a proven product that works on all types of soil worldwide, in environments where there are adequate macronutrients and micronutrients. The name “MicroSoil®” denotes exactly what the product is and does. MicroSoil® is a formulation of microorganisms, beneficial to the soil. MicroSoil® was formulated to work in the soil by helping to decompose plant and animal wastes, by fixing nitrogen and by aiding in the process of increasing and maintaining organic matter in the soil. This results in better crop and plant germination, growth, quality and yield.
The most commonly asked question about MicroSoil® is whether or not it will work on a certain crop or plant (i.e. wheat, corn, citrus, tobacco, tomatoes, flowers, trees, etc.). The answer is quite simple. MicroSoil® works in and on the soil, and as a result, it indirectly works on all plants and crops. The soil microorganisms act like catalysts by changing organic material into inorganic substances, thereby, making nutrients more available for plant use and increasing decomposition.
The MicroSoil® method of soil management is not a new concept. Re-incorporating crop residues into the soil and using organic materials and animal manure as “fertilizers” has been a standard and very successful farming practice for thousands of years. However, with today’s access to so much technical knowledge, we at Biomassters can now fine tune protocols and recommend more precise and cost effective applications of various materials to ensure high quality and quantity crop yields without the use of excessive chemical fertilizers. MicroSoil, being the key or catalyst for such methods, increases and enhances the soil microorganisms’ activity, which in turn results in optimum utilization and production of the soil life in the rhizosphere (the region immediately adjacent to plant roots).
Well-known universities and prominent agricultural agencies around the world have tested MicroSoil® on a wide variety of crops and with very positive results. Why? Because it doesn’t matter what part of the world you are in or what crop is planted. MicroSoil® works on all types of soil in an environment in which there are adequate macronutrients and micronutrients. Remember, that plants, like human beings, need a balanced diet in order to be healthy and productive, and this is determined by the condition of the soil. This fact remains true the world over. If the soil is healthy, the crops and plants will be healthy. On the other hand, if the soil conditions are poor, whatever is grown will also be poor.
All the information presented by Biomassters Global, Inc. regarding MicroSoil® is supported by scientific research, which has been published in microbiology textbooks by reputable professors at universities and research centers, and in other publications by the U.S. Agricultural Department, A&L Laboratories and the National Research Council.
As you review this website, please keep these thoughts in mind, and you will no doubt realize that testing MicroSoil® on every crop in every country is simply not necessary, as MicroSoil® is a proven product that works on all types of soil worldwide.